Location of Londolozi Private Granite Suites, Sabi Sands Reserve

Londolozi Private Granite Suites is situated in the Sabi Sands Game Reserve can be easily reached by road and air. The quickest way is by scheduled air charter from Johannesburg directly to the camp airstrip.

Londolozi Private Granite Suites is located in the magnificent Sabi Sands Game Reserve which shares a fenceless border with the Kruger National Park. This exclusive camp is set right on the Sand River and flanked by a rocky granite outcrop.

The Sabi Sands Game Reserve adjoins the western edge of the Kruger National Park and is renowned for its exceptional Big Five game viewing. The shared border is unfenced and allows for the free movement of wildlife including big game. This pristine reserve is not open to the general public and therefore affords a truly personalised luxury South African safari.

Directions to the lodge

By Road

A 2.5 hour transfer from Kruger Mpumalanga International Airport (KMIA) in Nelspruit to Londolozi is available on request. The driving time from Johannesburg is an easy 5 hours on National Roads A cash vehicle entrance fee is levied for entrance to the reserve.

By Air

Guests arriving by air at the Londolozi airstrip will be transferred to the camp.

There are scheduled daily charter flights from Johannesburg International Airport to Londolozi Airstrip, which is a five-minute drive from the camp. There are scheduled national flights from Durban and Cape Town to Kruger Mpumalanga International Airport (KMIA) in Nelspruit. Air transfers from KMIA to Londolozi airstrip can be arranged (20 minute flight).

Private charters on request. Helicopter transfers on request.

An Indemnity Form needs to be completed prior to arrival.

Booking Londolozi Private Granite Suites

Welcome to Sabi Sands Private Reserve