Big Five Safari at Umkumbe Safari Lodge

During your stay in the wildlife-wealthy Kruger, you should maximize your game viewing experience at Umkumbe Safari Lodge by taking part in the offered game drives and bush walks.

Morning Game Drives

After an early wake-up call, you will start your day at Umkumbe Safari Lodge with a light breakfast before you embark on your morning game viewing experience. The specialized open safari vehicles ensure that your view of the wild is uninterrupted and affords for great photography. These game drives will allow you to move closer to the large animals like the famous Big Five as well as giraffes, warthogs, baboons, hippos and bird species such as vultures and hornbills.

Night Drives

In search of the nocturnal bush life, your tracker will shine a spotlight around the vehicle as you enter deeper into the bush. This is an ideal opportunity to spot nocturnal creatures such as leopards, porcupines, bush babies, hyenas and bird life such as owls and nightjars.

Bush Walks

Take a step closer to the bush as you set out into the endless plains alongside a qualified ranger who will educate you on the visible anima tracks as well as the animals behind them. During this walk, you will be exposed to termite mounds and other unique facets of the bush. Wander around the bush in a transparent cloud of African smells and noises.

Traditional Boma Experience

A dining experience that takes place outdoors, around a blazing campfire, as you appreciate the delicious meal and good company of both your fellow travellers and your host of animals and insects from within the bush.

Booking Umkumbe Safari Lodge

Welcome to Sabi Sands Private Reserve