Dining by Starlight

A safari holiday in Sabi Sand is filled with a number of exhilarating experiences during both the day and night. After a busy day game viewing, you can enjoy a sumptuous dinner under the stars, served in a variety of different settings.

Dinner Under African Skies

Embarking on an African safari vacation will find you stepping into a world of adventure as you head out on guided game drives and learn more about the African plains and the wildlife that lives there. Not all of the experiences happen during the day though with many lodges offering bush dinners in a number of unique, exciting and romantic settings.

Dinner is the dark, in the bush, is no ordinary experience and visitors are guaranteed to be blown away by the array of delicious meals available, all of which are served to you in a number of different locations.

Dining under the African stars is what bush dinners are all about and visitors will be able to relish the crisp cool evenings, especially after the heat of the day, as they sit around a bonfire chatting, or enjoy a romantic meal under a huge tree in the middle of the bush, a few kilometres away from the camp.

Boma Dinners

Returning to your camp after a successful evening game drive, you head back to your suite to freshen up and change, before returning to the main guest area and being directed towards a lamp lit pathway. How exciting! What mysteries wait, just around the corner, in the dark?

Following the path, you step through the doorway of a traditional enclosure (boma) and are greeted with the enticing sight of beautifully presented dining tables all encircling a roaring fire. This entire picture is hidden away from the lodge by the rough wooden structure that encloses it - the boma. Sitting down next to the crackling fire you are warmed by its dancing heat as the evening starts to cool and the meal is presented.

Buffet style or plated meals, safari lodges pride themselves in serving delicious game meat in both traditional and fusion style dishes. Enjoy a delicious butternut squash soup, followed by eland or kudu steak and vegetables, delicious! After dinner the enthusiastic staff may be enticed to sing and dance for you, giving you a taster of their vibrant and energetic culture.

Bedouin Tent Dinners

Occasionally luxury safari lodges will break with the tradition of serving dinner in their beautiful dining rooms or our in the boma area and will transport you away from the lodge to a secretly hidden tent where dinner will be served in the magical setting of an unfenced Bedouin tent.

Imagine enjoying a delicious 3 - 5-course meal by the light of paraffin lamps and twinkling stars as the enthusiastic staff prepare your meal for you. What a wonderful way to spend an evening!

Gourmand on Safari

For food-lovers or Gourmands across the world, food is an essential part of all day to day and travelling experiences and a safari experienc...more

Night Adventures in the Bush

As the sun sets over the horizon, the African bush is awash with colours and sounds. The evening dawns and the nocturnal animals come out fr...more
Welcome to Sabi Sands Private Reserve