Experiences at Sabi Sabi Selati Camp

Activities at this romantic colonial style Sabi Sands safari lodge include mouthwatering bushveld feasts under the African night sky and abundant game drives on your Sabi Sands safari.

Game Drives

Expect superb dawn and dusk game drives and morning bush walks in Big Five territory. On night drives you may spot a Lion or Leopard, Porcupine or Civet on your Sabi Sands safari. The tracker’s spotlight, scanning the bush, picks up the reflections of the various animals’ eyes.

Bush Dining

In the evening, you will return to camp for dinner, heralded by the blasts of a Kudu horn on your Sabi Sands safari. Join your ranger in the boma - an open air reed fenced enclosure - lit by paraffin lamps. The sounds of the animated conversations about your day’s highlights soon join the muted sounds of the bush as you enjoy the fine cuisine and Cape vintage wines.

Bush Walks

Expand your bush knowledge on walking safaris while your experienced guide teaches you about the small creatures that reside in the vast Sabi Sand Game Reserve. Bush walks take place just after breakfast and guests are divided to walk in small groups to make the experience more intimate.

Booking Sabi Sabi Selati Camp

Welcome to Sabi Sands Private Reserve